The Best Secure Email Providers

Email is actually a vital portion of the internet. It includes revolutionized the way we converse, but it’s not without it is risks. If you would like to keep your electronic mails private coming from hackers and snoopers, you will need a provider with good encryption standards. Unfortunately, many services don’t consider your privacy seriously and sell your data to marketers. If you’re willing to switch, we have compiled a listing of the very best secure email providers that provide strong end-to-end encryption.


Developed by CERN researchers, Protonmail is the crystal clear frontrunner in email security. Their end-to-end encryption (E2EE) means that the company can’t read your messages. Plus, it is very based in Switzerland, which has exact privacy laws.


Another great option is Tutanota, which uses top-notch PGP and RSA encryption to protect your e-mails. It also provides end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication, hence even if somebody gets your hands on your username and password, that they won’t be able to access your account.


Although it looks like anything from GeoCities, this Swedish email company is all about individual security. They have diskless web servers that have no hard drives, so that you can rest assured with the knowledge that nobody otherwise can read the emails. In addition they use OpenPGP with 4096-bit encryption property keys, so your info is safe and encrypted at all times. Plus, you can access all of your info with an iOS or perhaps Android application or by using a webmail consumer.

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